Sensor-Tool ST7-25 diamond burnishing tools
Sensor-Tool ST7-25 diamond burnishing tools
Used for burnishing workpieces on automatic lathe machines
Supplied in 2 versions
ST7-16AL Left
ST7-16AR Right
Used for finishing surface treatment of parts
The shape of the part is a cylinder, bodies of rotation
The diameter of the workpiece starting from 4 mm and bigger
Metric square toolholders 12x12, 16x16 (as well as the size of the customer)
Inch toolholders 1/2 inch 5/8 inch
Natural diamond
The tool is used for finishing
The tool completely replaces the grinding and polishing area. High-precision diamond tools.
At finishing and finishing-hardening processing, smoothing of roughness is provided up to Ra = 0.2 ... 0.05 micron;
It is used on automatic lathe machines
Example of parts - hydraulic cylinder rods, valve spindles, heels of submersible pumps, shafts, sleeves, bearings, bushings, crankshafts, valves.
High-precision diamond tools. Metal burnishing.
lower processing costs
lower processing costs
reduction of processing costs
cost reduction for Metalworking
cost-cutting tools
cost-cutting tool
chipless processing
Metal processing without chip removal
cut back on metalworking costs
auxiliary time reduction
Reducing production costs
metalworking quality improvement
stress relief
Reducing production costs
lower direct costs for cutting tools
lower direct costs for grinding and polishing
Reduced set-up time
Reduced set-up time
cold working without chip removal
economy of scale
operational excellence
The quality of chrome plating can be improved by diamond smoothing its surface. This treatment compacts the surface layer and eliminates the tightness of tight joints of chrome-plated parts due to the presence of microcracks in chrome.