Diamond Burnishing tool ST-16 is used for superfinishing the surface of steels, stainless steels, cast iron, alloy parts.
Tool can be used on small machining centers, table lathes and milling machines, swiss-type machines.
Supplied with fixed burnishing force, for processing one type parts.
Workpart shapes - cylinder, body of rotation, spherical part, tapers, cones.
Workpiece diameter starting from diameter Ф 5 mm
Metric Toolholders 12x12 , 16x16 mm
Inch toolholders 1/2" , 5/8"
Indenters (diamond inserts) made of natural diamond
The tool completely replaces the grinding and polishing machines.
Our tool kills costs for extra personnel, grinding machines, consumables, re-installation and re-basing of parts .
During processing, the roughness is smoothened to the level Ra = 0.2 ..... 0.05 ? um in one or two passes
Can be used on CNC machines/universal lathes.
To obtain a stable micro profile of a surface , we recommend to use ST-1 on machines that can provide finishing turning!
Materials: any structural steel max HRC 64
Roughness before processing: no more than Ra = 1.25 ?m
High-precision diamond tools. Metal burnishing.
These diamond tools are designed to increase surface hardness through the cold-working process and compressive forces, and they increase metal’s resistance to fatigue and failure at stress points while producing a dense and uniform surface. They are available in inch and metric slim-line, square, offset, on-center, stick and boring bar styles.
With cycle times that are measured in seconds rather than minutes, diamond burnishing allows companies to achieve a consistent mirror-like finish and replace hand polishing. Economical, long-lasting and replaceable wear parts are said to reduce the total cost throughout the life of the tool. Wear parts are easy to replace, with common tool
single point diamond turning,precision surface treatment,diamond turning, ultra-precision machining,
R2R, precision turning, diamond tool,diamond turning, алмазное выглаживание, накатное полирование, упрочнение поверхности, diamond burnishing
machine, diamond tool feed, radius of the diamond tool , precision roller , High quality surface finish,
diamond tip, Suitable for hardened steels and high-strength materials, One tool can be used for different burnishing
applications, burnishing tips, Burnishing speed, DIAMOND TIP VERSIONS, burnish plane surfaces, shoulder burnishing,
BURNISHING HIGH-STRENGTH MATERIALS, internal burnishing of bores, burnishing of larger diameters, polishing,
superfinishing, honing or hardening, Surface after burnishing, roughness profile, burnished surface, spring force,
initial surface roughness, burnishing process, Replace the diamond tip, Burnishing result, Wear of the diamond tip,
Change of the diamond tip, Präzisionswerkzeuge, Target surface Rz, smooth and resistant surface, rough peaks flow, cold
deformation of the edge layer, Kaltumformung der Randschicht, Oberfläche nach dem Glätten , TOP-CLASS SURFACE QUALITY,
rolls for burnishing surfaces, roller-burnishing, отделочное накатывание, чистовое обкатывание роликами; чистовое
раскатывание, полирование путём наклёпа, роликовый накатник, роликовая раскатка, single-roll burnishing tool,
однороликовая обкатка, Burnished workpiece, honing or lapping, cost-effective burnishing,
different burnishing applications,
diamond burnishing tool алмазный выглаживатель ST-1 cogsdill DB-3 baublies yamasa ecoroll
lower processing costs
lower processing costs
reduction of processing costs
cost reduction for Metalworking
cost-cutting tools
cost-cutting tool
chipless processing
Metal processing without chip removal
cut back on metalworking costs
auxiliary time reduction
Reducing production costs
metalworking quality improvement
stress relief
Reducing production costs
lower direct costs for cutting tools
lower direct costs for grinding and polishing
Reduced set-up time
Reduced set-up time
cold working without chip removal
economy of scale
operational excellence