Diamond Burnishing tool ST-8 for surface treatment of balls and spheres
Diamond Burnishing tool ST-8 for surface treatment of balls and spheres.
Diamond Burnishing tool ST-8 for surface treatment of balls and spheres.
Diamond Burnishing tool ST-8 for surface treatment of balls and spheres.
Diamond burnishing tool ST8-75 forsurface treatment of balls and spheres, ball
bearings, ball pins. The part and the tool rotate at the same time.
It is used on CNC turning andmilling machines.
Burnishing by the intersecting axis method.
The tool is made for one ball diameter.
Machining is done on turning/milling machines. Natural diamonds are used.
The ST-8 tool is only used for machining valve balls with the metal-on-PTFE seal type.
Metal-on-metal valve balls can only be machined by lapping!
An ample supply of coolant is mandatory.
Tool with adjustable burnishing force.
Diamantglättung ST-8 zur Oberflächenbehandlung von Kugeln und Sphären.
Glättung durch sich schneidende Achsen.
Das Werkzeug wird für einen Kugeldurchmesser hergestellt.
Die Bearbeitung erfolgt auf Dreh- und Fräsmaschinen.
Es werden Naturdiamanten (PA) verwendet.